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Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear Easter Bunny,

Dear Easter Bunny,
Please bring me a baby Piper in my basket this year.  I've been a really good girl.
Thank you.
Stephanie, Josh, and Piper

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cause you gotta have friends...

By the way, I'm Wonder Woman in this picture
 One of the most important and wonderful parts of my pregnancy has been being able to go through this with several of my friends that are knocked up too. 

This has been so helpful in so many ways and I feel incredibly blessed that we're going through this together otherwise, I would have definitely gone off the deep end by now. 

It's been so nice to have someone to vent to that can relate - whether my complaint has been about my body, my emotions, or about my husband because inevitably they have been through it recently already, are going through it currently or are about to very soon.  We have commisserated about what's going on with our babies, our doctors, work, and again with our husbands and just knowing that someone else out there feels the same way or has dealt with the same thing makes this process much easier.

For example:
My friend Lindsey is/was 3 weeks ahead of me in my pregnancy and our husbands just happen to be good friends.  If I didn't have her to vent to, I wouldn't have known that while my husband felt deserving of no less than 10 "last hurrahs", her husband was doing the same thing too - driving her as mad as Josh was me!  We could both bitch about what idiots they are and feel better that at least we "got it" while they were clueless.

Another example:
My friend Jennifer is 4 weeks behind me in her pregnancy and she sent me a text worried because at 33 weeks her baby had the hiccups twice a day.  It was nice that I was able to tell her that my baby has the hiccups a minimum of 4 times a day, every single day and that is okay.  She didn't need to worry.  I can't speak for her, but just knowing that someone else is out there to bounce stuff off of really helps a nervous mommy-to-be.

Of course there are all of the other women in our lives that we can and do talk to, but sometimes they don't really remember exactly how they felt when they were in the midst of an emotional meltdown and the friends I have that are currently pregnant relate just a little bit better at the time.

Sometimes in life we feel all alone, but this pregnancy has allowed me to become closer to people that I wasn't with before and for that alone, I am blessed!

I love you other mommies-to-be! 

P.S.  My dear friend Lindsey welcomed her baby boy, Hayes Karns Colter at 12:21 AM on April 6, 2011.  He weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs even and he's just as beautiful as can be!  Congratulations Lindsey & Matt!  We love you!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

37 Weeks - Full Term!

Tomorrow Piper will officially be considered full term!  Way to go, little one!  At this point I'm still growing bigger each day.  Some days I'll see my reflection in a window or something and it shocks me how big I am!  I can't believe my body can look or stretch like this, but then again, I love it and am so happy that she's in there and getting bigger all the time.

Today Piper was given her first baby doll.  It's so cute and I have a feeling it's going to be very loved.  I can't wait to give it to her in person!

Piper, Mommy is so ready to see your sweet little face!