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Thursday, January 21, 2010


November 12, 2009 - 1st Visit
Today Josh and I saw Dr. Chantilis for the first time. He looks like that actor Bill Pullman (While You Were Sleeping, etc.). He asked us a bunch of health-related and lifestyle-related questions and then he explained the processes of fertility and some of our options. I had a sonogram where he said I have a thick uteral lining and my ovaries looked good. He said he is "very optimistic" about us. We left feeling pretty excited! His link is below.


November 13, 2009 - Blood Work
Today I went to the lab for blood work to test for insulin levels. Too much insulin in the body keeps the ovaries from working properly.

November 16, 2009 - Blood Work
Today I went to Dr. Chantilis' office for more blood work. This time they tested to see if I have anemia, am a carrier of cystic fibrosis, my estrogen levels and FSH levels (should be low), and thyroid. Also conducted a sonogram looking to see if I had any cysts (none) and/or fibriods (one in my uterus, but not problematic). I will start clomid today and take once a day for 5 days. Will go back to the doctor next Wednesday for another exam. - Update 11/18/09 all tests (except CF - that will come later) came back "normal".

November 18, 2009 - Semen Analysis
Today Josh went in for his first semen analysis. I posted a note on his Facebook "Hope you have a handle on everything. Let me know if you need a hand." HAHA! - Update 11/18/09 results were "normal".

November 25, 2009 - Follicles
Today I had my follicles measured. I have 3 follicles in my left ovary (the dominant one) and 1 in my right. One follicle was at a 15.5 and the rest were smaller. Melinda, Dr. Chantilis' assistant (super sweet) taught me how to give myself the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) shot in my stomach. Kinda scared about that... I'll give myself the shot on Friday night (Nov. 27th - we'll be in KY for Thanksgiving so I'll be at my grandma's house - ummm...yeah.)

We're supposed to make sexy time every other day so this past Monday, tonight, Friday and Sunday. I'll go back on Monday, Dec. 7th to have my progesterone levels checked. This will tell them if I have enough to maintain a pregnancy. Is that why I miscarried in June? We'll see... if I don't have enough, then they will give me supplements. If I don't get pregnant this go-round, then next month we'll do an IUI. I am SO excited and am keeping my fingers crossed!

November 27, 2009 - Ovadril Shot
I was too chicken to give myself the shot, so Josh did it. The needle is tiny so it didn't hurt at all, except now I have a small bruise at the injection site. I hope it helped!

December 7, 2009 - Progesteron
Today I had my progesterone levels checked. Below 15 would mean that I would have to take supplements, but the good news is that I measured a 20.7, which means I ovulated and that my lining is thick enough to carry a pregnancy. I'm happy about that because the progesterone supplements are totally gross! I will take a home pregnancy test on Monday, December 14th and we'll go from there. At this point I don't think I'm pregnant. Booo

December 12, 2009 - OTR
Started my period.

December 14, 2009 - Sonogram
Went to the doctor to have a sonogram to see if I had any cysts (I don't) and to count my follicles. I had 10 in my left ovary and 5 in my right (compared to last month that had 3 and 1 respectively). Was given a new Rx for clomid, but double the dosage from last month to begin taking today for the next 5 days. Will go back to the doctor next Wednesday the 23rd for a follow up. Ordered my ovadril shot for next week too. If things work out correctly, I will have an IUI on either Dec. 24th or 26th (Christmas baby!) and have to start having s-e-x with Josh on the 22nd.

December 18, 2009
Woke up having terrible side effects from the clomid. Glad today is the last day! Shoulders were stiff, saw tracers when I moved my head, terribly dizzy and sick to my stomach, and hot flashes. Not to mention how irritable I have been. Poor Josh. :-(

December 22, 2009
Ovadril shot was delivered to the house today. Had a little bit of pain in my left ovary. Back to the doctor tomorrow...

December 23, 2009 - Follicles
Has a sonogram to measure my follicles. The biggest one was only at a 12 and we can't do an IUI until they get to 20. They grow 2 whatever (mm, cm?) per day so in about 5 days I should be good to go.

December 25, 2009 - Follicles
Has another sonogram to measure my follicles. The biggest was a 14. They are growing slowly.

December 26, 2009 - Follicles
Measured my follicles again. This time they are at 16. Still waiting for the big 2-0!

December 28, 2009
18 - ugh!

December 30, 2009 - Follicles
Finally at a 20, but bad news. They cannot perform the IUI this month because of 3 reasons. 1) We would have to do the procedure tomorrow instead of the normal 36 hours after the shot because they will be closed for New Year's and 2) Josh and I had sex this morning and Josh's sperm won't be ready and 3) this is the worst part - I have some "objects of concern" in my uterus, thought to be polyps. Polyps grow on a stalk and prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. So, basically I can't get pregnant if that's the case. Dr. C didn't think an IUI would be in our best interest given the reasons above and also for cost. We can still try on our own this month, so we have to have sex on January 1. PLEASE let it work! I'm SO disappointed. If I'm not pregnant, then Dr. C wants to do a hysteroscopy and then possibly laparascopy. :-(

January 4, 2010
After the news I received last week, I've been pretty depressed, stressed and worried. What if I don't have polyps, but something worse? What if I have scar tissue that makes me totally infertile? What if, what if, what if. I know that I'm supposed to put it in God's hands, but it's so hard right now. And I'm angry. I was looking forward to coming back to work today, but EVERYONE kept asking me about it - how did it go? Are you pregnant? Having to explain over and over again that I wasn't able to have the IUI made me more and more upset. And don't even get me started on all the stupid shit people say. "Have you thought about adoption?" "Maybe it's not meant to be." "It will all work out. I know a girl that had that same thing..." NONE of that makes anyone feel better. You HAVE your children. I don't! I cried more than I have cried in a very long time. This was NOT a good day. :-(

January 5, 2010
After crying my eyes out last night, I decided when I woke up to get over it. It is what it is. I need to stop projecting to the future with "what if's" and be thankful for the present day. What's the worst that can happen? I die. Well, I have had one heck of an amazing life - especially the past 5 years with Josh. What's the second worst? I can't have kids. Maybe I'm supposed to travel the world and adopt some poor child and provide him/her with a life they could only dream of. There are millions of underprivileged that would be more than happy to have Josh and I as their parents. Is that so bad? Not at all! So, I've decided to just do what I have to do and make the best of it. Today was a much better day. :-)

January 7, 2010 - Progesterone
Had blood drawn to check my progesterone levels again. Levels were good, so I didn't have to use the gross supplements. Will have a blood pregnancy test next Thursday.

January 14, 2010 - Blood Pregancy Test (OTR)
On the way to the Doctor to have my blood pregnancy test and I started my period; therefore, A) I am positive I'm NOT pregnant and B) didn't have to go in. Talked to nurse Melinda on the phone and we scheduled my hysteroscopy for Wednesday, January 20th at 2:30. The hysteroscopy has to be done on days 7-10 of your cycle. The procedure takes about 45 minutes. I have to take an antibiotic twice a day starting the day before the procedure, the day of and the day after. I'm supposed to take Advil about an hour before the procedure too because there will be some discomfort.


January 19, 2010
So... I haven't slept in 2 nights. I'm pretty nervous about the hysteroscopy. I don't want to think about all that they might find and I'm really hoping and praying that it's not as bad as I think and I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. Ugh. The anxiety...

January 20, 2010 - Hysteroscopy
So after waiting for an hour, we were finally called back to a room. I was told to strip down below the waist and wait on the table where I have all of my sonograms. The procedure was performed by Dr. Chantilis and a nurse. After reviewing my chart, Dr. Chantilis said that Josh's sperm was good at 127,000,000 and that my stuff looked good. He then began the procedure. He inserted the spectulum, some dye and then the scope (it looked like a meat thermometer, but about a foot or more long - VERY intimidating!). The TV was turned on and it showed him in WAY TOO MUCH detail my cervix through to my uterus. Once he was in my uterus, you could see the polyps plain as day and it was disgusting. I had to look away, and I was in a lot of pain. The polyps looked exactly like you would think it would (pink finger-like projection hanging from the uterine wall). He poked around in there for about 5 minutes and took several pictures that they printed out. He then removed the scope and then did a regular sonogram. He told me that the polyps are small, but we need to get them out by a D&C. I panicked because I thought he meant right then and there, but he said they would call me to schedule it. He said that it is a routine procedure and that I would be under anethesia. He said that we could begin trying as soon as next month too, which was really good news for us. When we were finished, Josh felt pretty lightheaded and needed to put his head down because the images on the screen got to him (it was pretty gross!). Overall, I'm happy it is behind me and I'm ready for the surgery to be behind me too. Once I got home, I slept for about an hour or two on the couch. When I woke up, I was in some pain, but it was bearable - it felt like I had done a hardcore ab workout, plus had cramps, plus was constipated (even though I wasn't). I also had some light bleeding. I took some Advil and that helped. I tossed and turned in bed, but finally ended up getting some good sleep.

January 21, 2010 Woke up with light bleeding and cramping, but again, nothing I couldn't bear. In fact, I only took 2 Advil in the morning and that was it for the day. I'm feeling better about things and can't wait for it all to be over. I'm really nervous about going under though. My D&C and a second hysteroscopy have been scheduled for next Wednesday, January 27th at 10:45am. I have to take the day off, but can work the next day (supposedly). I go in for pre-op on Monday, January 25th.


January 22, 2010 Woke up and had zero pain and feeling great! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday! Praying that all goes well. xoxoxoxo Jen
