We finally have a "real" picture of our baby(ies). Aren't they cute?! To me, they are the most precious things I've seen in a long time...
What we're looking at here are the two embryos that we had transfered in to my uterus. The embryo on the left was rated "Excellent" and the one on the right was rated "Good" or "Above Average".
Embroys A & B both have a blastocyst. A blastocyst has an inner group of cells which will become the fetus and later the newborn.
Embryo A has an outer shell of cells called the trophoblast which will "become the membranes that nourish and protect the inner group of cells" or the placenta. Embryo B's trophoblast is in the process of forming and would have been complete if this picture was taken later in the day.
I pray "WHEN" one or both of these embryos implants, then this will be the first picture of my baby or babies. An embryo only a mother could love. :)