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Monday, March 15, 2010

Did what I think just happened happen???

So, last Friday night Josh and I had dinner with some friends that have a 6 month old son. He's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!  I was so excited to get to talk to this first time mother and hear her stories, trials, tribulations and share in her excitement.  We had not seen this couple since the baby was only a few weeks old, so it has been awhile.  As we were driving to their house, it occured to me that the last time we were there, I thought I was pregnant, but during the course of dinner I started my period.  Since I was supposed to start my period that day, I was wondering if it would happen again. 

We enjoyed a nice, delicious dinner and I went to the restroom and there it was... a spot of blood.  I immediately felt sick with disappointment.  We left soon afterwards and after I told Josh what happened, we had a silent ride home. 

Saturday morning I woke with a start - literally - and went to the restroom where there was not a single trace of blood.  I think I may have experienced implantation bleeding.  It is now Monday afternoon and I still haven't started. 

From the website http://www.babyhopes.com/:
Implantation can sometimes cause a bit of spotting or bleeding, known as implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding in the uterus that occurs when the egg implants into the uterus. A specific tissue, known as trophoblast, develops from the fertilized egg and it surrounds it. It is what attaches the egg to the inside of the uterus, and actually eats its way into the uterus. The trophoblast actually pulls the egg to the inside of the endometrium. Trophoblast even invades the mother’s blood vessels and diverts her blood to the fertilized egg. Sometimes, this blood will leak and this causes implantation bleeding.

I had this same experience before my miscarriage last year; however, the blood was light pink and never stopped coming even though I had a positive pregnancy results.  Evenutally though (about 10 days later), I miscarried.  This time the blood was dark red and about the size of a nickel.  Does that mean a stronger implantation?

I go in for a blood pregnancy test on Wednesday and will have the results that afternoon.  So.... am I?

Fingers crossed!!!

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